College Football Blankets
College Football Blankets
Being that I myself am a huge football fanatic, going to the late night college football games it can get really chilly in the stands. You want to be there for your team to cheer them on but you also want to stay warm while doing so. Especially up north in New Jersey or Pennsylvania it can get really cold. Even if you are going to the Pen State game and you plan on tailgating prior to the game you should think about getting some college football blankets to you nice and cozy warm.
College Football Blankets
You may be asking where can I get college football blankets and how would I order them? Well AMBRO Manufacturing can help you out with that. We can screen print college football blankets for you with your favorite college football team on it. You will be surprised at how large we can screen print on the blankets as well and how amazing they will look. But you may want to get a couple of your friends and other fans together to go in on an order with you because the minimum order for college stadium blankets is 48 pieces and I don’t think you will want to have that many college football blankets for yourself. But I’m sure there are plenty of diehard fans out there that would like to get in on a college football blanket order with you. You can also use college football blankets as a fundraiser if you go to that college and need to raise money.
If you would like to learn more about AMBRO Manufacturing and how you can place an order for college football blankets you can contact us one of two ways. One you can give us a phone call at (908) 806-8337 and speak with one of our sales representatives or two you can send us an email.

College Football Blankets