Custom Oversized Blanket Printing
Custom Oversized Blanket Printing
If you need custom oversized blanket printing then you can rest easy because we can take it from here. We are AMBRO Manufacturing and we handle apparel customization so we have the resources you’ll need for awesome custom oversized blanket printing. Don’t waste your time at other printing companies that can’t give you the right kind of coverage for custom oversized blanket printing when we’ve got it all here already.
AMBRO Manufacturing has been in business for over 30 years now so we have the expertise you expect from a professional printing company and we’ve had decades to get the proper setup for a wide variety of customization options. We have the large format silk screens and all the oversized equipment needed to apply humongous designs to fill up all that space on a blanket. With our oversized printing capabilities you can easily create customized stadium blankets for fundraisers or awesome spirit wear for your team or club. Your prints are sure to be seen even from across the stadium, so they’re perfect for cheering on your favorite team while staying comfortable in the stands.
Custom Oversized Blanket Printing
It’s easy to get started on your first custom oversized blanket printing project since you only need to reach out to one of our representatives and we’ll take it from there. We do all of our production in-house to ensure superior quality control from start to finish on each and every job, so you know you can count on us to deliver. We can even coordinate the whole order over the phone or internet and ship it directly to you for the ultimate convenience. So if you are interested in placing an order with us, or if you would like to learn more about our company and all of the customization services we have to offer, you can contact us by email or by giving us a call at (908) 806-8337.

Custom Oversized Blanket Printing