Fundraising Blankets
Fundraising Blankets
How many cookies, candy bars, pizza kits, wrapping paper rolls or grocery store coupon books can you sell? Let’s face it, the old methods of fundraising are so boring and tired! But fundraising blankets, now that’s some fun!
Who doesn’t need an extra blanket around the house? Now we’re not talking about some boring old blankets. How about a 50″ x 60″ blanket that is made out of sweatshirt material? And on top of that, it’s imprinted with a huge 50″ x 60″ logo in the center!! Oh yeah, that’s right, we’ve got some epic blankets that you can fundraise with.
Unlike traditional fundraising programs, where the fundraising company sets the income that the school or organization gets, we let you do that! You may be surprised to learn that most fundraising companies earn more on the fundraising program than you do! Not with ours, we allow you to set your profit margin for every program.
When you use our fundraising blankets, you can earn 100% profit if you want! We have setup our program to operate like a wholesale/retail relationship. Let me explain:
You purchase our amazing blankets with your designs for $25.00 and you can sell them for $30, $40, $50 or more. That’s right, you set the fundraising not us. You can use our special program for School Fundraising Programs, Organization Fundraisers or Charity/Cause Fundraisers. Blankets are universal!
If you are interested in a fundraiser program using our blankets, please email us or consider giving us a call today (908) 806-8337.

Fundraising Blankets